Our gear loves to work. Just like us.
Whether it’s a commercial production, a web video, an indie short, or a feature film for theatrical release, we like to make sure we have the best tool for every situation. When we’re not using our RED Monstro 8K VV, or our Ronin 2 + Ready Rig, or our Angenieux EZ Zooms, we don’t want them to get lonely on the shelf. So we quickly found a solution to this problem: Rent them out to our fellow creatives!

We’re always looking for new connections in the industry. And we’ve found that offering rentals is not only a great way to keep our gear in action, it’s also a chance to meet new people!
We’ve gotten to know so many talented filmmakers over the course of the last 5 years. A key part of our motivation for renting our gear is getting involved with our local community, and helping to bring exciting projects to life.
It’s a point of pride for us that we always go above and beyond for our rental clients, making sure that everything is configured and prepped to set you up for success. If you’re looking for a RED Gemini Package, for example, you’ll find that there are many options available for accessories, media, power, monitoring, etc. But what makes the real difference is support and communication from a team that wants to see your project succeed.
Our philosophy is that there’s no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to production. Each project has its own unique set of considerations. We offer our clients the option to customize full production packages, and also to rent small items individually. So even if all you need is one media card, or specific mounting plate, we’ve got you covered.

If you’re not sure where to begin, we can walk you through the process of choosing the best setup. For example, if we were to choose the best all-around package to go with you on you next short film or music video shoot, our latest favorite might be the Gemini 5K Package with DZO Pictor Zooms. And if you’’re on the move, shooting documentary-style, we always recommend our Ronin 2 + Ready Rig combo. For us, this setup is the go-to for any dynamic moves or tracking shots, offering flexibility without sacrificing any image quality.
If you’re shooting a sci-fi series, or a virtual production, or you just want to capture epic 8K images on a Full Frame sensor, look no further. We love our RED Monstro and so do our clients. And for the entire month of March we are offering special reduced pricing, so you can have the perfect opportunity to try this baby out for yourself.
Having spent the better part of a decade working with RED Digital Cinema before we founded Origin Point, we know a thing or two about the ins and outs of high resolution cameras. Because of our experience, we’re proud to be able to offer technical support at the highest level for all of our clients.
Beyond the shoot itself, our team also includes highly skilled workflow experts. If working with 4K or 8K resolution is something you’re not familiar with yet, we offer consultation services that will help make the process less daunting.
Workflow, just like a camera configuration, is not simply plug and play. There’s always more than one way to get a job done, so it’s important to consider what system is going to be optimal for you. We’re seasoned professionals who have worked in all types of systems, and can help define and develop the best practices for your specific needs.
You can also follow us on social for free tips and tricks about both physical production and post workflow.

It’s been said that “In the midst of Chaos lies Creativity.” If there is any bright side to the past few years of rapid change in the world, it’s that it has opened up a new world of inspiration and ingenuity.
Lockdown gave many of us a chance to write and develop projects that had been on the back burner for a long time. It also accelerated the development of new technologies for remote and virtual production. We’ve been able to observe many of you out there pushing the boundaries and getting it done, despite all odds. And that’s an inspiration to us!
Although we may not be able to predict exactly what’s coming around the corner, one thing we do know for sure is that the evolution of technology is not going to stop. There are always going to be new gadgets to try and systems to learn. That’s part of the fun of working in an industry like ours! But at the end of the day, it’s all about choosing the right tool for the project. And that’s what we want to provide for you.
If you’d like to know more or get started with a quote, we’re only a click away!